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So, you’re one of those people who click around to read the About page, huh?

Well, here’s the deal: 


This isn’t about me and my journey…


It’s about you and your biz. 


But, since you’re already here…

Hi. I’m Justin.

Ex-ambulance worker. Full-time health nerd. Collector of visa stamps + questionable tattoos. Captain of this ship (*gestures like a drunk Jack Sparrow*).


God's honest truth? You’re here because you have 3 BIG bones to pick.

Bone #1


First impressions are a b*tch. People judge the bejeezus out of your brand – and it takes just 0.05 seconds for them to decide if they like you or not, from the moment they first see your landing page, email, or ad. If your copy is stiff as a board, they’ll be bored-AF. 


Bone #2


Humans (you know, the creatures with hopes, dreams, and emotions) buy your stuff. You gotta give them something touchy-feely to connect with – otherwise they’ll find another brand to fall in love with. 


Bone #3


You’ve got a ton of brilliant brand ideas, but nowhere to put them. Your biz is iconic-in-a-can, fully loaded and ready to blast off – but you need a game plan to tell your story, scale your content, and launch your brand into the stratosphere.


THE BOTTOM LINE: You want to find your authentic brand voice, and need a strategic, actionable way to keep it consistent across your whole brand. An easy-to-use, simple-to-reference Brand Voice Guide is the answer to your prayers. 


Well, that’s where I come in…

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After over (*lucky number*) 7 years in the writing game, I’ve learned a lot about words: how to twist, squeeze, scrunch, and Matrix-bend them into language that sells.

And it goes a little something like this: 

What I do: Create insanely detailed brand voice guides that break down every aspect of your messaging strategy and personality, so you can communicate authentically and consistently with your audience. 


How I do it: By guiding you through a *super fun* process where we develop your voice and define the heck out of it. 


Why I do it: Easy – because the wrong words should never hold you back. 


I may also: Motivate you to be bold, take risks, break free from the mold, and realize your brand’s fullest, juiciest potential. 

What I definitely don’t do: Abandon you with a big, fat Google doc that becomes useless because you don’t know what to *do* with it. 


My ultra deluxe, uber premium promise to you?

A co-creative experience that puts your heart at the heart of your brand, where it belongs.

No heady marketing jargon. No boring, generic language.

Just authentic, refreshing copy that spotlights all the dope stuff your brand does and (*ethically*) seduces your ideal customers.

Never worked with a Brand Voice Wizard before and don’t know what the hell to expect? No sweat…

Down to earth 


I’m not into fluff or trying to impress you with fancy marketing buzzwords to prove how wicked smart I am. I keep sh*t real, simple and fun. 


Obsessed with exceptional-ness


Half-assing it? What’s that? The only words in my vocabulary are “Go Hard, or Go Home.” That, and about 50 ka-gillion others (Hey, I have a big vocabulary). I always keep my word. 


Rollin with gangsta’s


You are who you hang with, and life is too short to spend it with people who suck. You’ll never find me working with brands who don’t value honesty and integrity. 


Empathy first


On that note, I only partner with folks who never compromise their morals for profits. The almighty dollar is great. Deep human connection is greater. 


Normal is for Nancies (sincerest apologies if your name is Nancy)


Everybody is weird to somebody. Time to embrace the strange and commit to radical self love. Your hardcore fans will vibe with your vulnerability (*and love you for it*). 

But before we take this relationship to the next level, there’s a few not-so-dirty little secrets you should know about me:


  • I’d rather watch funny cat videos for an hour and a half than a movie. 

  • I once ran full speed into a glass door. In my defense, it was a very clean glass door and it was talking bad about my momma. 

  • The cold plunge is my happy place. 

  • When I’m not brand-voicing, you can find me traveling, diving (*sky and sea*), dancing, and recklessly eating steak and vegan ice cream – I’m a walking paradox, what can I say?

Copy and Roses Founder Smiling with headphones around neck

But enough about me. Let’s nail your voice and Slap Some Stank on your brand.

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